Monday, October 18, 2010

Foxconn high price told reporters: an asymmetric war

August 28, 2006 related to reports.

2 Foxconn employees "overtime" in the media, attracted a total of 30 million yuan of two claims court summons; a market value of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars of the company, sued two million net worth, but dozens of journalists; numerous articles overwhelming coverage in exchange for a paper statement of revocation proceedings. In 2006, a hubbub about the "whales sued Shrimps" litigation in the IT sector and the media fallout.

Report touched off a storm trouble, journalists were claims 30 million

"First Financial Daily" reporter Eugene Wong did not think she have written two reports that will bring us so much trouble, real estate was closed, deposits were frozen, on the direction of her claims 20 million.

June 15, 2006 and 22, "First Financial Daily" (hereinafter referred to as "fiscal"), Eugene Wong of the two reporters published a report exposing the richest man Terry Guo of Taiwan investment in mainland China in Shenzhen Foxconn Technology Group widespread factory workers "overtime" problem. Foxconn that report false, against its reputation, its corporate Hongfujin company early in July in Shenzhen City Intermediate People's Court to prosecute Eugene Wong and "fiscal" Editorial Weng Bao, claims 30 million yuan, of which 20 million yuan Eugene Wong, Weng Po 10 million yuan, and property preservation requests made, the court seized two of the real estate, cars and deposits. This is the Chinese mainland ever to claim the maximum amount of media defamation cases, is the first case over the direct prosecution of newspaper reporters and journalists of private property seizure cases.

Foxconn reason the prosecution said in the report without investigation and verification, and the fact that serious discrepancies. Many use the "escape" "special management", "cruel", "rampant" and so obviously insulting, derogatory language, improper work environment plaintiff employees derogatory comments. So that readers of the plaintiffs and their business, "Foxconn" brand had a major misunderstanding of the social evaluation of the plaintiff caused a serious decline in the industry a very bad influence.

From the "overtime" to "sweatshop"

June 15, 2006, "a wealth" Eugene Wong of the first published report "Foxconn workers: a fine machine you station 12 hours" to an ordinary employee oral Foxconn Record form, exposing the long-The Group factory in Shenzhen on behalf of the 200,000 staff employed by the middle of prevailing wages, overtime and company management systems such as the fact that there are some disadvantages. Eugene Wong said the interview process, she interviewed through the network channels with more than Foxconn employees, a complete interview records; also to Foxconn Group Relations Department to confirm the core fact that, according to the staff Liaison Department of the oral recording further modify the article.

Coincidentally, that year on June 14, the major site reproduces the British "Sunday Post" article "Apple Chinese foundries Quest: women working 15 hours on a monthly salary of 300", the article is to Foxconn as the background. Many sites put together two articles made a special, more sites to Foxconn referred to as "sweatshops."

Foxconn then held a news conference in Shenzhen, the factory to the public status of a number of mainstream media, during the tracking number of media reports.

"Editorial Board discussed and decided to send follow-up report again Eugene Wong." Weng said. June 22, 2006, "a wealth" has published a "Foxconn former employees: a low basic salary being good." June 30, two representatives of Foxconn to "a wealth" interviews and Eugene Wong Weng Bao, "they said they reported very passive, that we should not continue." Said Eugene Wong, "but not the authenticity of the article make relevant question. "

Weng Bao, the two sides of the conversation is pleasant atmosphere, "we also once again about the meet schedule is not arranged, but the two sides."

Court's seizure of private property suddenly

Eugene Wong Weng Bao and did not think the two sides did not meet again, meet them is litigation, huge demands for compensation and property seized.

Year on July 3, Foxconn Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court to submit a civil complaint, the "fiscal" have written the report, a newspaper reporter and editorial board member Eugene Wong Weng Bao as a defendant, without the direct prosecution of the newspaper. The petition asked the court to "a wealth" to stop infringement of the report published on its reputation and an apology, remove and restore the reputation of the defendant also requested compensation for Foxconn disgrace caused by the economic loss. Eugene Wong Weng Bao and were therefore claims 10 million yuan and 20 million yuan to the plaintiff.

International press freedom organization "Reporters Without Borders," wrote a letter to Apple CEO Steve - Jobs, Jobs hoped to persuade iPod contractor Foxconn withdraw "a wealth" of two reporters litigation. All-China Journalists Association, said to understand the real situation, safeguarding the rights of journalists.

Surprisingly, nearly two months after the event had a dramatic turning point. The evening of 30 August 2006, Foxconn's secret will be the parties, claims dropped to a dollar, and additional "First Financial Daily" community as a defendant. The afternoon of September 3, Foxconn Technology Group and the "fiscal," a joint statement, Foxconn announced the withdrawal of the "fiscal" litigation, the two sides exchanged apologies.

Factors Involved

Media and Foxconn put up a farce?

Foxconn Hon Hai Group, the parent company chairman Terry Gou in this whole case has shown strong, indeed so many people by surprise.

It is reported that Foxconn insisting to sue the two journalists, is the head of the mandate, the richest man in the face of Taiwan's "lack of basic sense of social responsibility," the accused is also ignored.

The two sides shake hands, many who were concerned that turning point that is too large, or even shake hands, said the results of this very ambiguous, both praised each other they did not elaborate, it is suspicious. Doubtful that this farce is directed by the media and Foxconn fit results.

In 2004, when he was in Taiwan, "Business Times" reported a journalist for Wen-Qi Kuang Foxconn and Intel platforms on relevant industry news, by Hon Hai in the year the company claims 30 million yuan by the end of April to apply to the court to freeze its name assets and salary. 8 months later, Hon Hai and "Business Times" agreed to withdraw the lawsuit. Later, Guo Dong interviews to the media when he said, told reporters just to seek the truth, with an innovative approach, saying, "This was the first time, but will not be the last."


Transfer of people to create audio-visual center of the topic

"Labour door" of the event, more on the continent reflects the contempt and labor laws and regulations, including labor rights of employees and the rest, in particular the right to pay by Rauso disrespect. As for the Foxconn high price to prosecute journalists, but also that its monitoring of the media rights and the right to know to ignore.

If, after the incident in time for self Foxconn media self-examination of the situation. If so, enterprises do not avoid not shirk, as soon as possible solution to the problem, and with local government and trade unions to communicate in a timely manner, listing the rectification program.

Then if, Foxconn will actively communicate with the media, in the spirit frank informed the latest developments and business event responses. If the media are false reports exist, Zeyi mature manner appropriate to the expression, so that cooperation from crisis events.

Lasted two months farce died down, why so angry Foxconn these two reports, we do not know. Enterprises do not lack the rich and powerful think tank, a crisis public relations tactics can also be a high-profile addition to the anger of tears: may be a deterrent, perhaps a diversion.

Foxconn pull the sword, obviously intended to intimidate not only the two journalists, since the exposure is inevitable, this has happened, as the larger splash with news to make news. Moreover, it is creating more hot topics to divert audio-visual, the major media have volunteered to join the war. When more people to pay attention to those pieces of litigation a very asymmetric turbulent time, it gradually faded away, "labor" incident itself. When the Foxconn and the "fiscal" shake hands and the moment can be another point of view, Foxconn only apologize to the two smaller cost for society to forgive.

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